Thursday, 15 October 2009

Mustering the legions

It all started with a comment : How cool would it be to have miniatures for the legions rather than these plastic soldiers we are pushing around the rubicon? I think it was Luc's fault, but maybe I am simply putting the blame on somebody else. Truth is I should go to a shrink, but instead the day after I was browsing through the net, trying to decide exactly what we would need to order...

The idea is to replace each and every single plastic piece that comes in the box of CotE with the equivalent in metal. And since I am a sucker for the micro scale, I'd rather go 6mm than 25mm.

I already owned Baccus Early Imperial Romans, so that was easy. We needed legionnaires, cavalry, and scorpions, generals and emperors. Peter has them all...

More tricky were the galleys. I pondered for long : Langton or Xyston? Both have nice looking quinquerremes, Langton in 1/1200, Xyston in 1/600. In the end, it was the price that decided for me. While real beauties, Xyston's are priced 6£ each, and I needed 60 of them... I'm mad but not THAT mad.

All in all the order was passed in a state of feverish anxiety, and received after many adventures involving the Indian and French postal services... The result can be seen here.

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