Monday, 3 May 2010

The War of the Cities (Final)

And so it came to be that in the Month of April, 2010, a new Emperor was elected by the people and the Senate of Rome. After having brilliantly administered his provinces, and with his glorious military success in Egypt, Claudius Antonius doned the Imperial Purple.

Claudius's Triumph as depicted in the Colonna Claudia

The other pretenders's fate was unequal. Lucius was too powerfull to be easily dissmissed. The Empire was sick of wars and bloodshed. True to the belief that one should keep his ennemies close, Claudius made him Tribune and he remained in Rome.

Brutus and Tamaris dressing the Emperor for his triumph.

Brutus and Tamaris became the personal slaves of Claudius. Here is must be said that the hand of Claudius was forced by the Roman plebeians. Were it not for Lucius supporters in the Forum, Tamaris would have taken Lucius's seat in the Senate. (Tamaris lost 10 victory point because of the amount of Civil Disorder she had, going from the second to the fourth seat).

Crassus was sent to the Galleys and his fate afterwards is not know. Some scholars pretend he managed to smuggle his siginal ring and some riches with him, all the way the Coromandel Coast, starting a new life away from Rome, as a textile trader.

Evidence from ancient wall paintings suggesting Crassus's final destiny.

The fate of Titus is decided...

The fate of Titus however is not shrouded in mistery. He was thrown to the lions and tigers on the very same day Claudius became emperor...

This gruesome fresco depicts Titus being eaten alive by a lion. Surprisingly, eyewitness chronicles mention that he was laughing all the time, even after the beasts had tore open his chest.

So this is it: we really had a blast. It is worth mentioning that Crassus prepared a meal, based on ancient roman recipes that was simply astonishing. Alas, we took no picture of the orgy... He prepared numidian chicken, lentil salad, and many other delicacies with honey whose name I can't remember. Thanks a ton! And thanks Velou, the painter who managed to get all the little soldiers ready in time. And of course, thanks to the players. It was a most memorable game and a great birthday party. Plus they let me win! Ain't that nice?

The War of the Cities (Part IV)

This is the final overview of the Provinces.

Numidia, controlled by Crassus

Egypt, controlled by Claudius

Mesopotamia, Claudius controls the city and the province. And Lucius managed to wrestle the second place out of Crassus's hands

Galatia, Tamaris controls the coast. Crassus's supporters are forced to hide in the mountains.

Asia. Tamaris is the Queen of the Pontus. The Aegan sea is secured by Claudius's fleets.

In Achaia, Brutus and his allies are tied with Crassus. But Brutus's popularity ensures he wins the prize...

Lucius in his retreat in Syracusa, where he reigns supreme.

Neapolis. Lucius is not there in person, but his legions convey the message...

Narbonensis. Tamaris's lost seat of power. It is now in the hands of Brutus, howing to his popularity.

Hispania. This is Claudius's craddle. Tamaris, escaped from Massilia, is treated as a guest of honor. She will not be allowed to come back to Rome though.

(oh oh, forgot a picture of Italy... Anyhow, Titus had 11 influence, Brutus, 7 and Tamaris 2)

In Rome, the plebeians shouting in the forum force Tamaris to loose 10 VP and Titus 5.

Aea Jacta Erat!
And the winner is...


By the way, if you were wondering, this was called the War of the Cities, for a simple reason. In all our games, we have never build so may cities: in Hispania, Narbonensis, Rome, Napoli, Sicilia and Mesopotamia...